"'Scuse me Mush but ya knoe I gotta thing fer blonds," Blink said sliding off his barstool. He strode up to her. She walked right passed him. Not yet deterred. Blink jogged ahead of her and blocked her path to the door under the stairs. "Congradulations baby, ya found me," he said in an all-to-suave voice. The girl looked at him with no expression."What?" "When a pretty girl walks into a bar, she's lookin' ta meet her dream guy. Here I am." The girl's expression, or lack thereof, was unchanged. "I hate ta burst yer bubble, Patch. But I was lookin' fer a real man." She brushed past him and disappeared behind the door under the stairs. "Oh she wants me bad." Mush, Race, and Jack could barley contain their laughter. Blink is persistant when it comes to women. It takes a lot more than a mere slap across the face to get him to back down. "Blink, that was a definite assurance dat she doesn't want ya," Race said. Meanwhile, downstairsss "Ya know dat patch guy upstairs?" the blond said. The bartender nodded. "He's so hot." The five year old named Squeak appeared in the doorway. "Dere's more people comin' in," he said. The bartender went out followed by the blond. The four newsies were still seated at the bar, their glasses empty. The bartender refilled them as the blond stood nearby. Blink spun around to face her but just as he opened his mouth she told him to shove it. "Where's the bathroom?" he asked. She pointed him in the right direction and as Blink left the bartender stepped over to her friend. "What're ya doin'?" she asked. "Playin' hard ta get," the blond answered. The bartender sighed and began washing glasses. "So," Jack said to her. "What's your name?" "Pardon?" "I was just wonderin' what yer name is... After all I can't call ya the hot bartender forever, can I?" Jack realizedd what he said and turned red immediately. The bartender smiled. "I'm Mira," she said. "Okay. Mira. Dat's nice." Mira went to bring a tray of beers to a table full of factory workers. Race turned to Jack. "not to good at dis are ya Jacky-boy?" "I hate you." Time passed and stars began to come out above Cowboy's Place as more customers flooded in. The blond leaned across the bar to Mush. "I think you're friends stupid," she said. "Calamity," Mira said. "He's right dere."

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