Management,  Viability  &  Safety


“Vita- Science” & “Vita- technology”:

 Bio-cybernetic Foundations for Viability and Safety Maintaining of Complex Systems



1. A phenomenon of homeostatic activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of biological systems

Homeostatic activity of a brain, as is known, is an unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems. Principally difference of homeostatic activity of a brain from activity of "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and "Super-consciousness", in opinion of the author, consists in the following.

It is obvious, that the level of development of Consciousness is determined by volume of experience and knowledge which a Human being constantly got and transferred from generation to generation at all stages of development of the world community. Then, firstly, it is possible to count, that homeostatic activity of a brain is such activity, which is carried out without dependence from experience and the knowledge got by a Human being. In other words, the contents and quality of homeostatic activity of a brain of the modern person does not differ from the contents and quality of this process at the primitive person, the monkey and other complex biological systems.

Secondly, homeostatic activity of a brain does not based on the mechanisms of the Sub-consciousness activity, closely connected to skills or social norms, which are well automated and therefore have ceased to be realized by the person.

Thirdly, the homeostatic activity of a brain as against activity of Super-consciousness does not eat the material, which has been saved up by Consciousness and in part fixed in Sub-consciousness. It allows approving, that the homeostatic activity of a brain is a special kind of activity of a brain, which essentially differs from activity of "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and "Super-consciousness" and is carried by right cerebral hemisphere.

Uniqueness of homeostatic activity of a brain is that this activity of a brain is carried out under the nature laws in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems. In this sense, the homeostatic activity of a brain is a special kind of activity of a brain, which is carried out under the nature laws in viability maintaining of complex biological systems.

On the other hand, on the author ‘s opinion, the phenomenon of homeostatic activity of a brain is that formalization of this process can become a basis for the optimum decision of all possible management tasks, arising in vital activity process of the modern postindustrial world.


2. Processes of viability maintaining of complex systems


2.1 Property of viability of organizationally - technical systems

Let's study such complex systems, which include organ of control, means of control and object of control. The object of control represents a functional subsystem of complex system. An example of object of control in the elementary case can be power, aviation or other technical system. The control organ for management of vital activities processes of control object, in opinion of the author, is intended for the analysis of an actual state of control object and formation of the managing influences necessary for compensation of chance factors, influencing on behavior of control object. An example of control organ can be manager who determines the order of operating and maintenance of the equipment in his industrial enterprises. An example of control means can be the operational personnel, which carries out the operations necessary for constant technical readiness supporting and effective application of the equipment within the limits of its life cycle. The complex of the chance factors influencing on the behavior of control object generally includes system of endogenous chance factors determining internal technical state of control object, and system of exogenous chance factors determining influence of an external environment on performance by object of its functions. Then, viability is an integrated property of organizationally - technical system, which is determined by ability of control organ to use a control means for technical availability, functional efficiency and safety maintaining of complex technical system, which is functional subsystem of the organizationally - technical system, in real conditions of its existence within the limits of its life cycle.


2.2 Information model of viability maintaining process of complex systems

Viability maintaining process of any complex system, in opinion of the author, is a management process for ensuring of survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of above system in real conditions of its existence. The conditions of existence of control object are determined by internal state of the object and influence of an external environment on performance by object of its functions. Modern technical systems, as a rule, are characterized by high indications of reliability and steady functioning in relation to the chance factors determining conditions of performance by system of its functions. At the same time, on one hand, the complex technical system always has “latent defects”, which yet have not led to obvious infringements of functions of technical system. On the other hand, for effective application of complex technical system, as a rule, there is a necessity for switching ranges of compensation of the chance factors determining conditions of performance by system of its functions. All this results to that complex systems, as a rule, include the control organ necessary for compensation of all possible chance factors which can influence on behavior of control object, and the control means necessary for realization of methods of management, formed by control organ. In other words, all management tasks for survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of complex technical system in real conditions of its existence in frameworks of organizationally- technical system are realized.

The complex biological system, similarly to organizationally- technical system, includes: the Brain with the ramified nervous system which is carrying out functions of control organ; the internal environment which is carrying out functions of control means, and an organism which is carrying out physiological functions of biological system. So the process of viability maintaining of complex biological system in real conditions of its existence is realized on the basis of unconscious activity of a homeostatic brain in viability maintaining of an organism. Then the information model of viability maintaining process of complex systems, which generally include control organ, control object and control means, can be presented as the follows mode. The control organ requests the information on a state of control object. The control object by inquiry of control organ gives out the information on the current value of the determining parameters describing the functioning process of control object. The control organ process this information about the state of control object and forms the managing influences necessary for viability maintaining of the object with regard to its actual state for any moment in the limits of its life cycle.


2.3 Process of maintenance of viability of complex technical systems


The author considers any complex technical system as an organism, which at various stages of the existence objectively requires a survival, self-preservation and steady functioning in an external environment. We shall consider, that the survival is a process of accident precaution and destructions of technical system. Then it is obvious, that the survival of technical system provides the on duty personnel of the industrial enterprises. The functioning process of complex technical system is characterized by set of parameters which can be within the limits of admissions if the system is serviceable, or outside of limits of the admissions if the system is non-serviceable. Then self-preservation is a process of maintenance and repair, necessary for preservation of serviceability of complex technical system within the limits of its life cycle. It is obvious, that preservation of serviceability of complex technical system provides engineer- technician personnel. Steady functioning of complex technical system during its application is provided with operators, for example, pilots of airplanes. And, at last, steady functioning of complex technical system in the world market is provided with managers of the industrial enterprises. Thus, the process of viability maintaining of complex technical systems covers the decision of all possible management tasks arising in vital activity process of these systems.

Let's accept, that on behavior of real technical system always influence the factors which are stipulated in technological process of performance of the functions by it, and "chance factors" which are not stipulated in above technological process. Then, a viability maintaining process of complex technical systems can be considered as the process of an effective utilization of functionalities of technical system on the basis of duly compensation of the chance factors characterizing the internal state of technical system, and influence of an external environment on performance of the functions by it.


2.4 A paradigm of viability

 The paradigm, as it is known, is a theory (the statement, model or system of sights), accepted as a sample for the decision of a research task. In this sense, the “paradigm of viability» is a statement that the process of unconscious activity of a brain in the field of viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems is a sample for conscious activity of a Human being in the field of control and management of vital activities processes of complex technical, production, social - economic and public- political systems.

Reliability of this “paradigm of viability» is determined by that:

·    Complex technical, organizationally - technical and biological systems are multi-parameter control objects on which behavior generally can influence endogenous chance factors and exogenous chance factors.

·    The viability maintaining process of complex technical, organizationally- technical and biological systems is a information processing process on an actual state of multi-parameter objects and formation the managing influences necessary for compensation of chance factors, influencing on behavior of control objects within the limits of their life cycle.

·    The operations, which are realized during unconscious activity of a homeostatic brain in viability maintaining of an organism, coincide with operations for diagnostics, maintenance and operating of complex technical systems in the limits of their life cycle.

·    Management by vital activity processes of production, social- economic and public-political systems is a process of viability maintaining of these systems.

Process of unconscious activity of a brain for viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems is carried out in frameworks of homeostatic control systems, which possess advantages of the both centralized control systems and decentralized control systems and deprived storages of all before known control systems.

Practical importance of identification of a “paradigm of viability» of complex systems is determined by that there is an opportunity to use the mathematical description of the process of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems, which is carried out under the nature laws, for the decision of all possible management tasks in various areas of modern postindustrial world.


2.5 Indications of viability of complex systems


Quality of a functioning process of complex technical systems, which we consider as a control object,  is determined by cybernetic indications of testability, controllability and steady functioning of above technical systems in real conditions of its existence. Quality of control organ, in opinion of the author, is determined by its compensation abilities in relation to the chance factors influencing on behavior of control object.

Viability of organizationally - technical system is characterized by ability of control organs to use control means for the decision of management tasks depending a survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of control object within the limits of its life cycle. Thus cybernetic properties of technical system, as a control object, are characterized by the indications achieved at a stage of creation of this system. Compensation abilities of control organ are determined by the indications achieved at a stage of creation of control organ. Then it is obvious, that indications of viability of organizationally- technical system are determined by a priori indications of quality of control object, aprioristic indications of quality of control organ and a posteriori indications of quality of control means in the field of operating and maintenance of complex technical system.

Aprioristic indications of quality of control object are indications of testability, controllability and steady functioning of control object in real conditions of its existence. These indications have been most fully submitted in the theory of dynamic systems. According to the definitions given in the theory of dynamic systems, steady functioning of control object is a property, which characterizes ability of serviceable control object to keep the functional characteristics in real conditions of its existence. The testability is a property, which characterizes ability of control object to give out the reliable information about the state of above object. Controllability is a property, which characterizes ability of control object for the fixed time interval to pass from one fixed state in other fixed state. The author has shown, that indications of testability, controllability and steady functioning of control object characterize of cybernetic properties of any control object in viability maintaining system of multi-parameter objects.

On the basis of author’s scientific researches appear the possibilities to determine, that any type complex system can be considered as multi-parameter control object on which behavior in generally case can operate endogenous chance factors and exogenous chance factors. Then the compensation abilities of control organ are characterized by its ability to request a reliable information about an actual state of control object, duration of formation of the managing influences necessary for compensation of chance factors, determining conditions of existence of this object, and allowable duration of the decision of management tasks arising during vital activity of complex technical, organizational, organizationally - technical and biological systems. And, at last, indications of quality of control means are determined by duration of realization of the managing influences formed by control organ for compensation of chance factors, determining actual state of control object and real conditions of it existence.

Thus, we have determined the indications describing quality of viability maintaining process of complex technical, organizational, organizationally- technical and biological systems.



3.    Laws of viability maintaining of

biological systems


3.1 The Formula of the scientific discovery of the author under the name «Conformity with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems»

The earlier unknown conformity with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems, consisting in strict mathematical dependence of integrated property of viability of complex biological system (I) from cybernetic properties of an organism of this system (C) which are characterized by testability (O), controllability (M) and steady functioning (S) of an organism in real conditions of its existence (Z), and from compensation abilities of a homeostatic brain (K) in relation to endogenous chance factors (X) determining a health state of an organism, and exogenous chance factors (Ó), determining influence of an external environment on performance the functions of above organism is established.


I = f1 (C, K, Z),

C = f 2 (O, M, S), K = f 3 {K (X), K (Ó)}, Z = {X, Y}


Thus, with increase the value of the indications describing properties of testability (O), controllability (M) and steady functioning (S) of an organism and compensation abilities (K) of a homeostatic brain in relation to the chance factors determining a health state of an organism (X), and in relation to the conditions of an environment influencing on behavior of an organism (Y), value of an indication of viability of complex biological system grows; and values of the above-mentioned indications describing cybernetic properties of an organism of biological system and its homeostatic brain, are in strict mathematical dependence from the measured or calculated values describing quality of operations, composing the process of viability maintaining of complex biological system:

·    Dependence of testability of an organism (O) from completeness of the information (A) which the organism gives out to a homeostatic brain about its health state, and from reliability (Ä) estimation of a condition of the parameters describing functioning process of an organism,      O = f1 (Ï, Ä);

·    Dependence of controllability of an organism (M) from its inertness (È) which is determined by the attitude of duration (Ø) formation of the managing influences formed by a homeostatic brain, to allowable duration (T) of compensations of the chance factors influencing on behavior of an organism, M = f2 (1 - È);

·    Dependence of steady functioning of an organism (S) from ability of biological system to continue performance of its functions (Ã) at occurrence of the evident and latent infringements of a health state of an organism, S = f3 (Ã);

·    Dependence of compensation abilities of a homeostatic brain (K) from completeness of the information (Ç) which the brain requests about a health state of an organism, duration (Ø) formations of the managing influences necessary for compensation of chance factors, influencing on behavior of an organism, and allowable duration (Ò) of compensation of these factors at each level of the decision of management tasks, K = f4 (Ç, Ø, Ò).


3.2 Laws of biological cybernetics

The author has offered the functional description of a bio-cybernetic control system, which includes a homeostatic brain, the internal environment and an organism of complex biological system. The author has shown, that earlier unknown conformity with a law of viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems is display of action of the nature objective laws in this sphere. These nature laws have received the title «Laws of Bio-cybernetics». Set of Bio- cybernetic Laws includes 5 following laws of viability maintaining of biological systems:  

«The basic law of bio-cybernetics» establishes, that viability maintaining of complex biological systems is carried out by the special control mechanism, which includes the homeostatic brain, internal environment and organism of complex biological system on which behavior generally can influence endogenous chance factors and exogenous chance factors. The above control mechanism in the author’s scientific works received the title “Bio-cybernetic Control System”.

Mathematical model of “Bio-cybernetic Control Systems” is a multilevel, hierarchical system of contours needed for compensation of chance factors Z = {X, Y}, X = {Õi}, influencing on behavior of an organism of this biological system. Thus the structure of compensation contours of chance factors Z = {X, Y}, X = {Õi}, influencing on behavior of an organism of biological system, is unequivocally determined by elements of set of these factors. Hierarchical character of relations between contours of compensation of exogenous chance factors Y = {Yj} and endogenous chance factors X = {Õi} is determined by that infringement of health of an organism reduces its opportunities under compensation of the chance factors determining influence of an external environment on performance by an organism of the physiological functions. Hierarchical character of relations between contours for compensation of various type endogenous chance factors X = {Õi} is determined by that these factors differ on their relative influence on serviceability of an organism. Each contour of management is an independent control system, which includes control organ, control means and control object, on which behavior is influenced with one of types of the chance factors determining behavior of biological system. The control organ determines the methods of compensation of chance factors. The control means carry out connection between control organ and control object. The control object carries out physiological functions of complex biological system. The control organ of the homeostatic control systems is a homeostatic brain, the control means is an internal environment, and the control object is an organism of this complex biological system. The basic law establishes also, that model of an organism of biological system as an object for maintenance, is unequivocally determined by the “partial order operator” on the multiple of the parameters describing functioning process of an organism. And, at last, the law establishes, that model of an organism of biological system as the object of operative control of processes of its vital activity, is determined by set of conditions of performance its functions, set of all possible modes of vital activity of an organism and set of the illnesses excluding an opportunity to use these modes determining above opportunities. 

«The law of homeostatic activity of a brain» establishes, that the index of quality of vital activity of a homeostatic brain is defined by reliability of the information on a health state of an organism (Ç) and the higher, than lower the duration (Ø) of formation of the managing influences necessary for compensation of chance factors, influencing on behavior of an organism, and than more allowable duration (T) of compensation of these factors.

 «The law of internal “medical” services of an organism» establishes, that index of quality of internal medical services of an organism the higher, than lower the index of disease of an organism, which value is determined by the attitude of total duration of existence of all latent health defects of an organism to duration of a cycle of supervision over a health state of an organism before occurrence of catastrophic or evident diseases of this organism.

«The law of steady functioning of a healthy organism» establishes, that the index G of steady functioning of a healthy organism in permissible conditions ψ = {ψj} of its existence is defined by probability p(ψj) of arising of permissible conditions ψj º ψ   of healthy organism functioning and by probability Gj of fulfillment of physiological functions of healthy organism in every separate permissible condition ψj º ψ, which are determined by influence of chance factors (Ó), characterizing action of external environment on performance of physiological functions of an organism.

«The integrated law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems» establishes, that the integrated index of viability of biological system is defined by product of index of quality of contours needed for compensation of the chance factors (X) describing a health state of an organism, and chance factors (Ó), determining influence of an external environment on performance of its physiological functions.


3.3 The Annotation of description of a discovery of the author under the name «Conformity with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems»

The discovery concerns to biology, in particular – to biological cybernetics and is devoted to research of information processes of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems.

The essence of the discovery consists in strict mathematical dependence of integrated property of viability of complex biological system from testability, controllability and steady functioning of an organism of this system and from compensation abilities of its homeostatic brain in relation to endogenous chance factors determining a health state of an organism, and to exogenous chance factors determining influence of an external environment on performance of its functions. 

Scientific importance of the discovery is that it offers the mathematical description of information process of viability maintaining of complex biological systems. Earlier physiologists have been investigated process of a homeostasis, and experts in the field of biological cybernetics have been investigated a contour of compensation of the chance factors influencing on the behavior of biological system, and adaptation processes of biological system in relation to conditions of an external environment.

Practical importance of the discovery is that it is a basis for creation the “Bio-cybernetic Control systems (BCS)”, witch intended for the operative solution of all possible management tasks, arising in vital activities process of complex technical, organizational and organizationally- technical systems. A distinctive attribute of Bio-cybernetic Control Systems is that BCS function on the basis of the mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of biological systems. Expert Systems, which function on the basis of formalization of conscious activity of experts, and neural systems, which function on the basis of formalization of process of adaptation of biological system in relation to conditions of an external environment were earlier known.


4. New directions in development of science and techniques


The author’s discovery in biology and creation of Bio-cybernetic Control Systems for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in modern postindustrial world, were the basis for new directions in development of a science and techniques: «Science on viability of complex systems» and «Genetics of social-economic structures».


Science on viability of complex systems

The discovery of earlier unknown “Conformities with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems” through which action the objective «Laws of Biological cybernetics» are shown, and proof of «a paradigm of viability» were the basis for formulation by the author the universal laws of viability maintaining of complex technical, organizational, organizationally- technical and biological systems. These universal laws of viability maintaining of complex systems have received the name «Laws of Viability». Reliability of discovery of "Laws of Viability» is experimentally confirmed in various civil and military systems.

The author has demonstrated, that “Laws of Viability” are a basis for development of a science on viability maintaining of vital systems. In scientific works of the author the above science has received "Vita Science" name. Object of research of Vita Science are «vital systems” A subject of research of Vita Science are processes of a survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of vital systems in real conditions of their existence. The technology of Vita Science is a technology of viability maintaining of vital systems, which is based on the mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems (“Vita-technology”). Means of Vita Science are Optimum Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS) for viability maintaining of complex equipment in various branches of modern industry.

Development of Vita-technology for viability maintaining of complex machinery is completed. Optimum Parametrical Control Systems have passed primary approbation in modern industry. Benefit from OPCS for viability maintaining of modern industry will be, that they provide significant reduction of accidents rate and allow reducing significantly huge financial losses of the modern industry because of belated, incorrect or not optimum actions in operating and maintenance of complex equipment. Development of OPCS in public-political sphere will allow cooperating the interests of various social groups of citizens for viability maintaining of modern postindustrial world. The cooperation of interests between various social groups of citizens, in opinion of the author, will allow to reduce huge losses of the world community because of destructive consequences of the global terrorist activity representing real threat for existing democratic bases of further development of the modern society. The main achievement of the theory of viability maintaining of organizationally - technical systems, in opinion of the author, became technology for supporting of personal safety of a Human being in modern postindustrial world.


Science on a heredity and variability of social- economic structures

Substantive provisions of a science on the viability of complex systems have allowed the author to offer the stratified model of inheritance of material and spiritual culture of a Human being at various stages of forward development of the civilized world. This model represents the description of the basic stages of a history, the present and the future development of the civilized world. It is shown, that at each stage of development of the civilized world which description is carried out by the uniform attributes characterizing any level of development of this world, there is a social-economic structure. It is marked, that each structure is characterized by the state of development of the “world of techniques”, the “world of ideas” and the “world of people”. Thus the world of techniques, the world of ideas and the world of people, in opinion of the author, actively cooperate with each other and develop according to laws of biological cybernetics in viability maintaining of organizationally - technical systems. Change of social-economic structures, in opinion of the author, occurs in the moment when the world community appears unable to solve even one from all possible hypothetical management tasks arising during vital activity of this community. Such over-  management tasks arise within the framework of each of social-economic structures. For the description of the mechanism of change of social-economic structures the author has offered the concept of "Supreme Wisdom». According to this concept the "Supreme Wisdom» establishes objective laws of satisfaction constantly growing material and spiritual needs of a Human being at various stages of development of the world community. The author has shown, that laws of action of "Supreme Wisdom» are Laws of biological cybernetics on the basis of which a Human being at each stage of development of the civilized world develops principally new technologies for a survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of the structure with regard to an actual state of development of the physical world including the industry, fauna and flora. These basic results of scientific researches of the author were a basis for development of a science about a heredity and variability of social-economic structures. Now, if to pay attention that each social-economic structure is the living organism having quite certain duration of life cycle can be spoken that the discovery of the author in biology was a basis for a new direction in development of a science on viability of the complex systems, received the name «Genetics of social-economic structures».


5. The meaning of an author’s discovery for scientific cognition of the world

 New scientific and technological results received by the author. Now there is no uniform theory of viability maintaining of complex technical, organizational, organizationally- technical and biological systems. According to existing theories it is for certain not known as management by vital activities processes of complex biological systems is carried out. In existing theories there is no strict understanding the principles of work of the management mechanism by vital activities processes of industrial, social- economic and public-political systems. And, at last, in existing theories there is no understanding that a functioning process of the world community at various stages of its existence is carried out under laws of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems. The author for the first time investigates a phenomenon of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of biological systems as a basic principle of action of universal management mechanism by vital activities processes of complex technical, organizational and organizationally- technical systems. The Formula and the Annotation of the description of the author’s discovery named «Conformity with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems» are offered. It is demonstrated, that through the above conformity with a law the action of objective «Laws of Viability» of modern industry and social-economic structures is shown.

Importance of discovery of the author for scientific cognition of the world is, that it became a basis for a new direction in development of Cybernetics, General Systems Theory, Computer Science, Industrial Sciences, Life Science, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Soul Science, Wisdom Science, Futurology, Bionics and Genetics of biological systems. Special importance of the author’s discovery is, that it was a basis for development of a science on viability of organizationally - technical systems and genetics of social-economic structures.

Practical importance of discovery of the author is, that it was a basis for creation of essentially new technical decisions allowing considerably to lower a level of accidents and catastrophic in various branches of modern industry and essential reducing huge financial losses of the modern industry because of belated, incorrect or not optimum actions in the field of operating and maintenance of complex civil and military equipment.

Humanitarian importance of discovery of the author will be, that it is a basis for the mathematical description of multi-stepped system of personal safety maintaining of a Human being in the modern postindustrial world. The description of discovery of the author has allowed to determine the concept of cooperation of the interests between various social groups of citizens and to plan a way of reduction of huge losses of the world community because of destructive consequences of global terrorist activity, representing real threat for existence of democratic basis of development in modern postindustrial world.

Importance of the author’s discovery for development of the world community will be, that it is a basis for «Intellectual Revolution of ÕÕ1 century», which opens a new epoch in development of the world community. Distinctive feature of a new epoch in comparison with all previous stages of development of the world community is that A Human being for the first time has an opportunity to use effectively huge, but for the present not enough estimation of potential of homeostatic activity of a brain for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in modern postindustrial world.


Copyright ©  Bravy K, 2003.